On the 23rd March, the ambassadors learnt about some important aspects of Sustainable Tourism. María del Pozo held a presentation defining what «Sustainable Tourism» is about and also talked about the Sustainable Tourism Program of the World Heritage Center and United Nations World Tourism Organization, as thier main topic for 2017. After the presentation, participants had to think about their own experiences about sustainable tourism in their cities, present these ideas to the rest of the group and, after a brainstorming, we all reached to some conclusions and good practices for sustainable tourism to get to a final debate and a decalogue of good actions to be implemented for implementing Sustainable Tourism in our sites.
Ambassadors worked in groups with local representatives sharing ideas, searching in the internet and explaining best options for sustainable tourism.
Finally we made a list of most suitable actions to to be carried out in WHC :
- Special security and control in selected areas.
- Sustainable transport policies
- Equity in sharing benefits and looking for finanacial resources for developping projects
- Educational measures to araise awareness among young people
- Promoting small business and local brands
- Quality tourism and respect of human rights and environment
- Monitoring possitive and negative efects of tourism
- Promote the preservation of protected areas and cities trails
- Focus on endangered and more sensitive sites
- Recycle, reduce and reuse